About the Site - Contact

This site was setup as a resource for the Ottawa, Ontario, Canada Based Voyageur Area Scouting Groups to support our annual Klondike Derby. 

The name Carleton is historic , it was the original Ontario region existing when many of the Groups that started the event formed (Carleton County, Ontario - Wikipedia ). 

My hope  is that this site will be maintained  by each organizing committee as an ongoing reference for future event organizers as well as other groups interested in running a derby

To all who have added to this site and those organizing running and participating in Derby's, THANK YOU 

For those setting up Klondike Events, feel free to leverage the information here. For those who wish to help in organizing this derby or who need access, please feel free to contact the web team at :


It was my pleasure to initiate the first version of this site in 2006, on a site hosted by an Internet provider in Kanata, Ontario and migrate it later to Google.

As with all Scouting Events, Enjoy, Be Prepared, Do your Best, Hopefully learn something new and have a great time.

Yours in Scouting 

Scouter Steve Redshaw