What Do Sections Do?
What do sections do, and when?
determine with volunteer team whether your section can commit
Determine who will be the section's Section Representative on the Event Team. Commit the section using the Commitment Form.
participate in theme suggestion, selection (discussion with your youth, answer polls)
add event to your section's ScoutsTracker calendar, promote the event within your section
advertise crest design contest with your youth and Scouters
with your youth, develop the idea for the activity that your section will contribute. Submit activity idea via event website; receive approval from Activity Coordinator
determine fee your section will charge youth, open youth and adult signup, collect fees
Have members submit crest designs; section votes on crest submissions
Register your section online with the Klondike Derby; pay registration fee
Test your approved activity idea with your section,
Enter your activity's instructions into the activity template via website
Design, build and decorate your Klondike sled (if you haven't already), or spiff up an existing sled.
Try out your sled, practice racing
Write your section's safety plan (risk management and emergency plan). This builds on the Event's emergency plan. See the Emergency Plan page, which also includes a link to a sample section plan.
Submit your plan and your Adventure Application Form (AAF) to your Group Commissioner for approval.
Throughout this period:
Section Representative will attend organizing meetings
Youth prepare by learning skills during regular meetings about:
how to dress in layers
how to stay warm and dry for the whole day
how to be safe around a fire
how to keep their water bottle from freezing
to bring extra clothes.
camping skills (stove use, lashing, lashing, fire starting, etc).
Practicing the winter skills at a shorter event (e.g. 3 hours) before attending Klondike Derby (8 hours) is recommended.
See Also: Key Dates; What is Commitment?; FAQs; Troop Meetings Plan
Key Section Tasks (in red, below)